How to Pay Your Bill

Pay in Office

Check and credit card payments are accepted in office. We do not accept cash in office. Please make your checks out to: Joey Y. Kohatsu, M.D., LLC. Thank you!

Pay Online

To pay online, visit:

You will need your account #, the statement date, and the transaction ID. These can all be found on the statements that we mail to your home address.

Effective 01/01/2022: Although Dr. Kohatsu has already moved to his solo practice, you may receive a bill from Honolulu Primary Care Associates, LLC if you were seen by Dr. Kohatsu in the later half of 2021 and/or have an outstanding balance. This bill is correct and should be paid as soon as possible.

To pay a HPCA bill, visit:

By Phone

To pay your bill over the phone, please call 808-683-7260 to reach our Akamai Practice Management billing department. Please do not call our office to pay your bill over the phone.

Joey Y. Kohatsu, M.D., LLC

Queens Physicians Office Building (POB) 2

1329 Lusitana Street Suite 303

Honolulu, HI 96813

Phone: (808) 807-0311

Fax: (808) 807-0322

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© 2021 Joey Y. Kohatsu, M.D., LLC

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