Check and credit card payments are accepted in office. We do not accept cash in office. Please make your checks out to: Joey Y. Kohatsu, M.D., LLC. Thank you!
To pay online, visit:
You will need your account #, the statement date, and the transaction ID. These can all be found on the statements that we mail to your home address.
Effective 01/01/2022: Although Dr. Kohatsu has already moved to his solo practice, you may receive a bill from Honolulu Primary Care Associates, LLC if you were seen by Dr. Kohatsu in the later half of 2021 and/or have an outstanding balance. This bill is correct and should be paid as soon as possible.
To pay a HPCA bill, visit:
To pay your bill over the phone, please call 808-683-7260 to reach our Akamai Practice Management billing department. Please do not call our office to pay your bill over the phone.
Queens Physicians Office Building (POB) 2
1329 Lusitana Street Suite 303
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 807-0311
Fax: (808) 807-0322
© 2021 Joey Y. Kohatsu, M.D., LLC